How to use Google PageSpeed Insights and improve mobile performance

To use Google PageSpeed Insights and improve mobile performance, follow these steps:

  1. Access Google PageSpeed Insights: Go to the PageSpeed Insights website at
  2. Enter your website URL: In the input field on the PageSpeed Insights homepage, enter the URL of the web page you want to analyze for mobile performance. Click on the “Analyse” button.
  3. Review the performance score: PageSpeed Insights will analyze your web page and provide you with a performance score ranging from 0 to 100. This score represents the mobile performance of your website. A higher score indicates better performance.
  4. Examine performance recommendations: Scroll down to the “Opportunities” and “Diagnostics” sections of the PageSpeed Insights report. These sections provide specific recommendations and suggestions for improving the mobile performance of your web page.
  5. Address critical issues first: Pay attention to the “Opportunities” section, which highlights critical issues affecting your mobile performance. These issues often have the most significant impact on your website’s speed. Focus on fixing these issues first to achieve immediate improvements.
  6. Follow the recommendations: Each recommendation in the “Opportunities” section will have details explaining the issue and steps to address it. Review the recommendations and apply the necessary optimizations to your website. Common recommendations may include:
  • Optimizing images: Compress and resize images to reduce file size without sacrificing quality. Use image formats suitable for the web, such as JPEG or WebP.
  • Minifying CSS and JavaScript: Remove unnecessary white spaces, comments, and code from your CSS and JavaScript files to reduce file size.
  • Leveraging browser caching: Set appropriate cache headers to enable browser caching and reduce the number of requests to your server.
  • Enabling compression: Enable gzip or deflate compression on your server to reduce the size of transferred files.
  • Eliminating render-blocking resources: Optimize your CSS and JavaScript loading to avoid blocking the rendering of the page.
  • Prioritizing visible content: Ensure that the most important content is loaded first, improving the perceived speed of your website.
  1. Reassess your mobile performance: After implementing the recommended optimizations, run PageSpeed Insights again to evaluate the impact on your mobile performance. Keep iterating and refining your optimizations until you achieve the desired mobile performance score.
  2. Monitor and maintain: Regularly monitor the mobile performance of your website using PageSpeed Insights. Periodically reassess your website to identify any new performance issues and implement the necessary improvements.

Remember that PageSpeed Insights provides valuable insights, but it’s essential to consider other factors that impact mobile performance, such as server response times, hosting infrastructure, and user experience optimization.

Additionally, consider exploring Google’s official documentation on web performance optimization, which covers a wide range of techniques and best practices to enhance mobile performance further.